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Egmont Group Publishes 21-22 Annual Report

04 August 2023
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Egmont Group Publishes 21-22 Annual Report

The Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units has published its Annual Report for 2021/22.

The Group facilitates and prompts the exchange of information, knowledge, and cooperation amongst member Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and provides a platform to exchange expertise and financial intelligence to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and associated predicate crimes.

The Annual Report provides information in the following areas:

  • The Group of Financial Intelligence Units: highlighting work completed and in progress, as well as providing useful data and supporting information;
  • Strategic plan: presenting the Group’s plan and initiatives in action;
  • Measuring success: including operational outcomes and the biennial census;
  • Look-back to EG milestones and future plans;
  • Working group developments;
  • The Egmont Centre of FIU Excellence & Leadership (ECOFEL); and
  • Regional Group Development.

Firms can view the Report to gain further insights into the work of the Egmont Group and its member FIUs.