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HKMA Letter on Risk-based Approach for Customer Due Diligence

08 February 2024
Hong Kong Flag

HKMA Letter on Risk-based Approach for Customer Due Diligence

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has issued a letter to Authorized Institutions (AIs) regarding the effective execution of the risk-based approach for customer due diligence (CDD).

The letter shares the HKMA’s recent observations from its ongoing supervisory engagement with AIs, including:

  • While CDD measures of most AIs for customer on-boarding and reviews are appropriate and in line with the identified ML/TF risks, the HKMA continues to see cases where there is room for improvement in both the design and execution of CDD;
  • Where AIs have been able to implement AML/CFT control processes which are risk sensitive, the design of the controls takes into account the treat-customers-fairly principles, balances the provision of good customer experience with managing ML/TF risks and generally provides sufficient support to frontline staff;

AIs are expected to review existing HKMA guidance to ensure their CDD policies and procedures accurately reflect the legal and regulatory requirements.

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