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NECC Report for 24/25 published

13 September 2024

NECC Report for 24/25 published

The National Economic Crime Centre (NECC) within the NCA published its Annual Report for 2024-25


The Report outlines the activities and objectives of the NECC including:

  • Identified economic crime threats: fraud, illicit finance and money laundering;
  • A review of NECC activities during 2024: legislative outputs, collaboration, operations and achievements;
  • NECC involvement in: The European Money Mule Activity (EMMA), The Joint Money Laundering Intelligence Taskforce (JMLIT), and Public-Private Partnerships; and
  • System disruptions: fraud, illicit finance, and asset denial.

Firms can review the Report to gain insights into the activities and objectives of the NECC alongside new and ongoing identified economic crime risks