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21 June 2019
cover page of article on compliance


DNFBPs need to understand the regulatory obligations placed on them, assess their current compliance with all relevant laws, regulation and guidance, and where required address the gaps to more effectively manage financial crime risk exposure and reduce the risk of penalties or disciplinary action.

Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (“DNFBPs”) are businesses that are considered to pose a money laundering risk but cannot be classified as a financial institution. They are seen as ‘gatekeepers’ to the financial system and include professions such as accountants, lawyers, estate agencies, casinos, high value dealers, and trust or company service providers. 

In the UK, these professions are subject to the requirements of the Money Regulations 2017. Each industry’s regulatory oversight bodies (e.g. Solicitors Regulation Authority, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) are required to act as Anti-Money Laundering supervisors. 

The 22 professional bodies overseeing the legal and accountancy sectors in the UK are, in turn, overseen by the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS), a regulator housed within the FCA and charged with strengthening the UK’s Anti-Money Laundering supervisory regime and ensuring that professional body AML supervisors provide consistently high standards of AML supervision.


In order to ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2017, DNFBPs must ensure that they have a robust financial crime control framework in place. We would typically recommend an assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial crime framework and controls with reference to UK laws and regulatory requirements, which can typically be conducted in a 2-3 week timeframe. This will help to identify any deficiencies and will result in a set of recommendations to meet regulatory requirements.

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Plenitude is a niche consultancy, specialising in Financial Crime Risk and Compliance and are appointed to the Financial Conduct Authority’s
Skilled Persons panel for Financial Crime (Lot E).

Our focus is firmly on addressing the legal, regulatory, reputational and social imperative for financial institutions to take diligent and rigorous steps to mitigate financial crime risks.

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