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PLENITUDE INSIGHTS: The Ongoing Fight Against Modern Slavery

07 September 2023

PLENITUDE INSIGHTS: The Ongoing Fight Against Modern Slavery

In a recent interview with Ivana Clapperton, Mike Coates had the opportunity to share more on his involvement with the Mekong Club, an NGO that works with the private sector to combat modern slavery.

Mike also discussed the importance of rigorous ESG requirements and government legislation, and how both companies and individuals can contribute to this ongoing fight against modern slavery.

Modern slavery affects millions worldwide in various forms, from forced labour to trafficking. Despite efforts and legislation, over 50 million individuals are still trapped in it today.

Modern slavery is defined as the exploitation of individuals for personal or commercial gain, and it appears in many forms: forced labour, human trafficking, child labour, forced marriage and sexual exploitation. In recent years, the total number of victims of modern slavery globally has risen to an alarming figure. In a recent interview, Mike Coates, Senior Executive at Plenitude Consulting, discussed the following: his involvement in the Mekong Club, the importance of rigorous ESG requirements and government legislation, and how both companies and individuals can contribute to the ongoing fight against modern slavery.


Despite existing anti-slavery government legislation, only 0.2% of people are rescued from modern slavery annually. Various human rights organisations, like Anti-Slavery International, are calling for more effective and meticulous laws against slavery on a global scale. Mike emphasised the need for people to raise awareness about modern slavery. He stated that progress is “often tied to the individuals in each organisation” who are “passionate” about making a change. This can then lead to a step back in progress if those individuals move on from the organisation. Steps toward change have a greater impact when they are institutionalised, as opposed to person-specific. Mike also urged people to take advantage of the “connectivity” offered by social media to share important information.