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WEBINAR: Crypto Regulations

08 February 2023
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WEBINAR: Crypto Regulations

Our panellists addressed the horizon of regulatory developments and discussed key areas where change is likely to occur,  assess  compliance with these new requirements, and identify key challenges for operational implementation.

Regulation of the cryptoassets industry has received increased attention in the policy sphere during the last year as the series of high-profile failures in 2022 boosted the overall sense of regulatory urgency. 2023 promises to be particularly active, with several proposed pieces of regulation in different jurisdictions, and high-profile consultations or initiatives from key international organisations.

While the full details of how regulation will be implemented in practice are still  uncertain, the direction of travel seems clear and, particularly with centralised cryptoassets service providers, we can see the contours of an emerging framework.

Date:  Wednesday 8 February 2023     

Time: 16.00hrs (GMT)/ 17.00hrs (CET)



Stéphanie Cabossioras (Binance)
Mark Aruliah (Elliptic)
Manuel Fajardo (Plenitude)

Su Carpenter (Crypto UK)

Date:  Wednesday 8 February 2023
Time: 16.00hrs (GMT)/ 17.00hrs (CET)

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Plenitude’s Digital Assets Practice assembles a team that brings a deep knowledge of regulatory expectations, crypto business models and the associated risks, to help crypto firms navigate the regulatory landscape, the road to registration, and build and implement an effective risk management framework.
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