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Regulation / Risk Expertise

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Our depth of expertise and quality of service, combined with our commercial integrity, competitive rates and innovation, is second to none. Discover more about our expertise and see why our integrity, passion and delivery excellence have been praised by so many clients.


As governments and international organisations continue to focus on the fight against economic crime, regulators expect firms to ensure that their programmes can deliver effective and sustainable systems and controls to address the evolving threat landscape.


Sanctions have become invaluable tools in the foreign policy arsenal of states, and their use is likely to continue increasing in the future. They also will continue to underpin international strategies to combat terrorism and weapon proliferation.


Fraud and scams continue to pose a significant threat to society worldwide.

Tax Evasion

Tax evasion remains a constant macro- economic concern for governments and a driver of enforcement action.

Market Abuse

Attracting foreign capital and growing domestic financial markets continues to be a key objective for governments around the world, especially during times of economic hardships.

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Bribery & Corruption

Bribery and corruption (B&C) are endemic threats that continue to plague countries and markets around the world, because they have a damaging impact on competitiveness and development, and facilitate other types of financial crime.

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Our best-in-class team are committed to building a secure financial system, safeguarding society, and empowering our clients to meet their regulatory obligations. 

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