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Our RegTech subscription products enable our clients to manage financial crime obligations, country and client risk more effectively while reducing internal risks, costs and resource demands.



Our RegTech Products


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RegSight is the simplest and most effective online solution to manage your FCC obligations, and provides assurance that your organisation is meeting applicable obligations. 

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Compass provides a risk-rated country list with the supporting methodology, underlying research, analysis and data, all accessible via on online portal. The annual subscription fee also includes updates to the country list and underlying data.

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ClientSight is a cloud-based application that delivers our leading financial crime client risk rating methodology, developed and tested at some of the largest global regulated institutions and in line with the regulations of the key global markets.

Our specialists

Paul Mclear

Paul Mclear

Senior Manager

Get in touch to speak to the team or to request a demo

Our best-in-class team are committed to building a secure financial system, safeguarding society, and empowering our clients to meet their regulatory obligations. 

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